LaTeX in blogger, pt 2


Vinh Nguyen


May 31, 2009

In my previous post on this topic, I didn't get LaTeX to work in Blogger because forkosh closed their mimetex service to the public. For LaTeX to work in blogs, I would either have to switch to wordpress or get my own host and install mimetex. The First option wasn't too appealing as I'd like to keep everything google since a lot of my personal services are hosted here (yes, I'm not afraid of google having too much information about myself). Second option also wasn't feasible. I found out from some more searching that codecogs is generous enough to host this kind of service. I updated wolverine's script in firefox/greasemonkey with this, and now I have an UnLaTeX button as well! Really cool. To use, in compose mode in blogger, type dollar sign dollar sign LaTeX code dollar sign dollar sign, then hit the latex button. Bamm! To see original code, hit UnLatex. Here is an example.;%20%5Ctheta)

Looks good ehh? Optimally I would like blogger to have a LaTeX feature, but this suffices for now. This is different than before because I now have an unlatex command. This is useful because when codecogs goes down I am able to recover the original LaTeX code.

Hopefully for "LaTeX in blogger, pt 3" a native LaTeX feature in blogger will be available. UPDATE: forgot to mention that I found codeclogs on here first.