Automatically capitalize or uppercase or expand keywords in Emacs using Abbrev Mode


Vinh Nguyen


July 26, 2013

I like that SQL Mode in Emacs comes with an interactive mode that I could execute a query in a buffer to a client buffer similar to how I could execute R code using ESS. However, I don't think SQL mode is that great at formatting SQL code (eg, indenting). I guess I could live with manual indenting and selecting in multiple lines (preceded by a comma).

I typically write code in lower cases, but I think the SQL convention is to use upper cases for keywords like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc. This can be done using Abbrev Mode in Emacs. Add the following to your init file:

;; stop asking whether to save newly added abbrev when quitting emacs
(setq save-abbrevs nil)
;; turn on abbrev mode globally
(setq-default abbrev-mode t)

Now, open a SQL file (/tmp/test.sql). Type SELECT, then C-x a l and type select. This saves the abbreviation for the current major mode (SQL mode). Now, when you type select then <space>, the keyword will be capitalized. Continue doing the same for other keywords. Now, use the write-abbrev-file command to save the abbreviations to ~/.emacs.d/abbrev_defs so it can be saved and usable in future Emacs sessions.

To define many keywords all at once, edit the abbrev_defs directly. For example, I used this list of SQL keywords and relied on Emacs macros to add them to my abbrev_defs file. My abbreviation table for SQL mode is as follows:

(define-abbrev-table 'sql-mode-abbrev-table
(mapcar #'(lambda (v) (list v (upcase v) nil 1))
'("absolute" "action" "add" "after" "all" "allocate" "alter" "and" "any" "are" "array" "as" "asc" "asensitive" "assertion" "asymmetric" "at" "atomic" "authorization" "avg" "before" "begin" "between" "bigint" "binary" "bit" "bitlength" "blob" "boolean" "both" "breadth" "by" "call" "called" "cascade" "cascaded" "case" "cast" "catalog" "char" "char_length" "character" "character_length" "check" "clob" "close" "coalesce" "collate" "collation" "column" "commit" "condition" "connect" "connection" "constraint" "constraints" "constructor" "contains" "continue" "convert" "corresponding" "count" "create" "cross" "cube" "current" "current_date" "current_default_transform_group" "current_path" "current_role" "current_time" "current_timestamp" "current_transform_group_for_type" "current_user" "cursor" "cycle" "data" "date" "day" "deallocate" "dec" "decimal" "declare" "default" "deferrable" "deferred" "delete" "depth" "deref" "desc" "describe" "descriptor" "deterministic" "diagnostics" "disconnect" "distinct" "do" "domain" "double" "drop" "dynamic" "each" "element" "else" "elseif" "end" "equals" "escape" "except" "exception" "exec" "execute" "exists" "exit" "external" "extract" "false" "fetch" "filter" "first" "float" "for" "foreign" "found" "free" "from" "full" "function" "general" "get" "global" "go" "goto" "grant" "group" "grouping" "handler" "having" "hold" "hour" "identity" "if" "immediate" "in" "indicator" "initially" "inner" "inout" "input" "insensitive" "insert" "int" "integer" "intersect" "interval" "into" "is" "isolation" "iterate" "join" "key" "language" "large" "last" "lateral" "leading" "leave" "left" "level" "like" "local" "localtime" "localtimestamp" "locator" "loop" "lower" "map" "match" "map" "member" "merge" "method" "min" "minute" "modifies" "module" "month" "multiset" "names" "national" "natural" "nchar" "nclob" "new" "next" "no" "none" "not" "null" "nullif" "numeric" "object" "octet_length" "of" "old" "on" "only" "open" "option" "or" "order" "ordinality" "out" "outer" "output" "over" "overlaps" "pad" "parameter" "partial" "partition" "path" "position" "precision" "prepare" "preserve" "primary" "prior" "privileges" "procedure" "public" "range" "read" "reads" "real" "recursive" "ref" "references" "referencing" "relative" "release" "repeat" "resignal" "restrict" "result" "return" "returns" "revoke" "right" "role" "rollback" "rollup" "routine" "row" "rows" "savepoint" "schema" "scope" "scroll" "search" "second" "section" "select" "sensitive" "session" "session_user" "set" "sets" "signal" "similar" "size" "smallint" "some" "space" "specific" "specifictype" "sql" "sqlcode" "sqlerror" "sqlexception" "sqlstate" "sqlwarning" "start" "state" "static" "submultiset" "substring" "sum" "symmetric" "system" "system_user" "table" "tablesample" "temporary" "then" "time" "timestamp" "timezone_hour" "timezone_minute" "to" "trailing" "transaction" "translate" "translation" "treat" "trigger" "trim" "true" "under" "undo" "union" "unique" "unknown" "unnest" "until" "update" "upper" "usage" "user" "using" "value" "values" "varchar" "varying" "view" "when" "whenever" "where" "while" "window" "with" "within" "without" "work" "write" "year" "zone")